
Python for OSINT: Find if a Phone has an Instagram Account

This guide will walk through how to use Gitpod to run the Megadose/Ignorant script that checks if a phone number is registered to any Instagram account. Note that it will not identify the specific account.

If you already have Gitpod and Github accounts, login to both and jump to step 3.

Step 1 – (the hardest) – Click here and sign up for an account on Github . Sorry, that is more than one step but the process is simple and it gets easy afterward.

Step 2 – Login to Gitpod. You do not need to sign up for Gitpod if you already have a Github account. Go here (https://gitpod.io/login/) and you will see an option on the left to sign in with your Github account even though you don’t have a Gitpod account. See below:

Once you have logged in your page will probably look like this:

Step 3 – Copy and paste this url into your browser and hit Enter:


Why? – Basically, you are making a url that consists of the gitpod website url, a hashtage, and the url of the github page for the script.

Here is the explanation. We want to run a Python script but to do so we need a development environment. Normally you would download it but in this case, Gitpod provides a development environment online where you can run Python scripts. When you identify a script posted on Github you create a url of the Gitpod website’s url, a Hashtag, and the url for the page hosting the Python script. So with our script hosted at https://github.com/megadose/ignorant, we combine it along the gitpod parameters:

gitpod.io + /# + https://github.com/megadose/ignorant

to make this url – gitpod.io/#https://github.com/megadose/ignorant

Gitpod will create a workspace, a virtual computer, specifically for running the script. The script and its affiliated files will be downloaded though you will likely still have to run the setup.py file, or its equivalent. If you go to the script’s page on Github there should be instructions for downloading and running the script.

Wait for Gitpod to do some processing and then your computer should look like this:

Step 4 – At the bottom of the screen find where it says “/workspace/ignorant $”.

Click to the right of these words and type “python3 setup.py install” and then hit enter.

Step 5 – Then when it is done “python3 setup.py install” and hit enter

Step 6 – Wait for the install to complete and then right click on the folder on the type left that is named “ignorant” (not the one titled “ignorant.egg-info”). When you right click on the folder a drop down menu appears, choose “open in terminal”.

Step 7 – A new tab has appeared in the terminal, notice the new tab that reads “gitpod /workspace/ignorant/ignorant” and the cursor is located next to a similarly named prompt.

Finally, choose your phone number of choice, (i will choose a US-based fake number 123456789, and the US country code is 1) so I would type:

“ignorant 1 123456789”

and you will get results like you see below

Note that the script also checks if the phone was used to register amazon.com or snapchat.com accounts.

Now that you’ve done this once, the process will be much easier in the future.

Next time

Login to Gitpod and there will be a workspace named for the script. It should look like the image below. Just click on the workspace.

This should reopen your workspace to right where you left off and you can run the code again.

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