Latest News about What to Search For in Pastebin and What Pastebin Searching Tools to Use

Disclaimer: this information is only for educational purposes and is not an endorsement of accessing personal data of other people that has been exposed.

Currently Active Tools for Searching Pastebin

Pastebin Search Engine – (
RedHunt Labs Online IDE Search – (
IntelTechniques –
Cipher387 Pastebin Search Engines – (

Interesting New Pastes

(If I include an ID for pastes mentioned below, that means you can look it up by going to and search the paste ID)

World Class Quality “Novelty” Fake Degrees, Fake Diplomas
Paste: hSFvUBpY, 2024-03-03 04:05
Someone is advertising their services as a fake college diploma-maker.
“We are the Premier website for World Class Quality “Novelty” Fake Degrees, Fake Diplomas, Fake Certificates”
“highest quality novelty academic items available anywhere.”

The content sounds like it came from Google Translate and sure enough, the paste includes a contact phone number with a China country code.

Red Orchestra Leak?
A Reddit user claims that the EU community server for
Red Orchestra 2 (a tactical first-person shooter video game) was breached and user info available in pastebin dump ID: pW9PVxeG.

It is not clear whether this is legit given that there has been no other commentary on it. Readers may choose to investigate at their own risk.

But anything on G2A for free?
Paste: aueTk42b, 2018-04-30 10:46
Someone is advertising that they found gift card codes for They claim that the card will give you any item for free and provides a PDF guide in a google drive.

Interesting Pastes

Coinbase Data Breach?
Paste: aueTk42b, 2018-04-30 10:46
A long list of email addresses and associated passwords were posted by someone advertising that they reportedly hacked Bitcoin wallets. The list was intended as proof that their hack was legit. The gave their bitcoin address and asked for 0.02 BTC to get access.

If they are legit, I am hoping that these credentials are no longer in use. For OSINT / Internet researchers that use data breaches for information, I have to say that this is an impressive and increadibly long list of email addresses and their passwords. Usually you can find that on sites like That said, for lack of time I have not yet had the chance to verify this info.

Even More Stolen Credentials
Paste: AGbWC6fr, 2018-01-15 07:58
A different paste included many (or maybe all) of the same email password combinations in a much bigger list of over 13,000 credentials.

Previous Posts on Pastebin:

Unveiling the Power of Pastebin: March 2024 Best Search Tools for Pastebin

How to Search Pastebin Websites for Data Breaches

How to Search Pastebin (new tools for 2022)

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