
Websites to Lookup “Whois” Domain Registration History

This posts lists out the current free resources available for obtaining history whois domain registration information. Be aware that these services will also let you search often by email or name of the registrant too


The Domain Research Suite of WhoIsXMLAPI is currently the best bet.


See the post below from ToolsForReporters.com to read a walkthrough of the service. The main points are that you have to sign up for a free account, you will only get a limited number of searches, and you have to login and go to the Domain Research Suite in order to access the Whois History Search tool.

2 – Whoxy

Whoxy is also a great source that will let you run a few free searches. You may need to sign up for a free account at some point


3 – Tools for Reverse Whois Lookups: DomainBigData and ViewDNSinfo

These two are actually not for whois history, but rather it is for reverse whois lookups (i.e. check if an email was used to register any domains). It seems like a similar enough topic



4 – more options



That’s it!

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